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A Ministry of Service to the Catholic Church and the people of God

Bishop LT Persico message

Video: Welcome, overview, vision for the future

Text: LTP, bio, Erie diocesan history, etc.

VG or Priest Spiritual Director message

Video: Welcome, vocation connection and resource for the Church

Text: Bio, vocations, etc.

Permanent Diaconate Director message

Video: Welcome, overview, formation highlights and mission

Text: Diocesan function, data, etc.

Deacon Council Chairman message

Video: Welcome, practical matters, deacon as servant and community

Text: Ministries, involvements, etc.

For information about discerning the diaconate, contact:

Office of the Permanent Diaconate
Deacon Thomas McAraw, director
email: tmcaraw@eriercd.org
phone: 814-824-1128