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History of Charismatic RenewalFaith on Fire! is the Catholic Charismatic Renewal Center (CCRC) for the Diocese of Erie, PA. The Center has carried out its mission for 30 years. The Center’s mission is to see people come alive in the Holy Spirit.

In Ezekiel Chapter 37, Ezekiel is found in the Valley of Dry Bones. The valley is filled with the bones of the dead, who were once living. The Lord God asks the prophet, “oh son of man, tell Me, can these bones live?” The prophet answered that only God knew if the bones could live. Then a miracle appears before the prophet. God instructs the prophet to prophecy to the dry bones and to tell them to live! The prophet obeyed and bone came upon bone and flesh grew over the bones. Then the Lord, at the prophet’s prophecy, breathes His breath, the breath of the Holy Spirit of the Lord, into the flesh and as the Lord breathes His breath into the dry bones, they come to life as a great army of God.

Faith on Fire! CCRC’s mission is for each person to have an experience with the Living God and to realize that, no matter where they are in their faith walk, God always desires to bring us closer to Himself and give use MORE of His Holy Spirit. This enables us to walk in the calling He has for each of us. We were all born with a purpose ‘for such a time as this.’ His plan is perfect for each one of us. And His Holy Spirit brings power and life to us and to His plan. He is a God who is not far off, but is involved in the smallest details of our lives when we invite Him in. He loves us and we desire that each person experience the realness of the love of Jesus and God the Father. It is a love that transforms and heals. 

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Testimonies of the Baptism in the Holy Spirit:

Charmell Feaster, Warren, PA: After hands were laid on me for the baptism in the Holy Spirit, I felt the presence of the Holy Spirit and Jesus. felt a hunger for God that I never experienced before. The Bible, the Mass, and the Sacraments all came alive, and I feel this overwhelming love for all people that I know it’s God’s love for them. It has helped me to become more Christlike.


Andy Gilmore, Luncinda, PA:  After the Life In The Spirit Seminar, it showed him how alive the Holy Spirit is. The Holy Spirit took my faith from just going through the motions to an alive and living faith!


Jaci Phillips, Erie, PA: After the baptism in the Holy Spirit, I felt power from God to be able to teach and to preach to God’s people. I received the baptism 25 years ago, yet my hunger for God and His will only continue to increase. I have a burning desire to share the transforming power of living God with every person possible!


Virginia Baker, Sheffield, PA: The baptism in the Holy Spirit has transformed my heart of stone into a heart of flesh and of love. I have and such powerful hunger for God and an overwhelming desire to be in His will.


Pat Montefiori, Erie, PA: The Holy Spirit completely changed and transformed my faith and my heart. I physically felt ‘liquid love’ for God and for every human poured into me, and in over 20 years, that has never left me. I want everyone to know this is possible.

Blessed Pope Paul VI:

“We cannot but desire that these graces come – and may God grant it – with abundance. Besides grace, let God’s church be able to obtain and possess the charisms… God grant that the Lord would still increase this rain of charisms to make the church fruitful, beautiful, marvelous and capable of inspiring respect, even the attention and amazement of the profane world, the secular world.” (p. 35)

Pope St. John Paul II:

“… I would like to cry out to all of you gathered here in St. Peter’s Square and to all Christians: Open yourselves docilely to the gifts of the Spirit! Accept gratefully and obediently the charisms which the Spirit never ceases to bestow on us!” (Pentecost vigil in St. Peter’s square, 1998) (p. 35)
“The Holy Spirit, while bestowing diverse ministries in Church communion, enriches it still further with particular gifts or promptings of grace, called charisms…. Even in our own times there is no lack of a fruitful manifestation of various charisms among the faithful, women and men.” (Christifideles Laici) (p.35)

Pope Benedict XVI:
“Let us pray to God the Father, therefore, through our Lord Jesus Christ, in the grace of the Holy Spirit, so that the celebration of the Solemnity of Pentecost may be like an ardent flame and a blustering wind for Christian life and for the mission of the whole Church…. Upon all of you I invoke an outpouring of the gifts of the Spirit, so that in our time too, we may have the experience of a renewed Pentecost. Amen!” (p. 35) 

Pope Francis:
“I expect you to share with everyone in the Church the grace of the baptism in the Holy Spirit (a phrase we find in the Acts of the Apostles).” (p. 36)
“A charism is much more than a personal quality, a predisposition that one can be endowed with: a charism is a grace, a gift bestowed by God the Father, through the action of the Holy Spirit. And it is a gift which is given to someone not because he is better than others or because he deserves: it is a gift that God gives him, because with his freely given love he can place him in service to the entire community, for the good of all.” (p. 36)  “The authentic charisms, therefore, come to be considered as gifts of indispensable importance for the life and mission of the Church.” (Iuvenescit Ecclesia) (p. 37)

For information on National Catholic Charismatic Renewal, visit

Faith on Fire! Charismatic Renewal Center
St. Mark Catholic Center
429 E. Grandview Blvd., Erie, Pa. 16514
PH: (814) 824-1286
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