Bulletin Announcement

Child Protection


Child Protection and Creating Safe Environments- Digital Dating Abuse can be defined as “a pattern of behaviors that control, pressure, or threaten a dating partner using a cell phone or the internet.”  One quarter of youth (12-17) who have been in a romantic relationship during the previous year report that they’d been the victim of digital dating abuse. So, what are some of the best ways for a parent to open up communication with their child about a delicate topic like online dating? First and foremost, ask your child what they are doing online and then really listen to why they like or don’t like what’s going on there. Parents must be diligent about staying on top of the latest trends. Great online dating tips can be found at www.cyberwise.org. To see what the diocese is doing to help maintain safe environments for children and youth visit www.eriercd.org/childprotection/