Local regulations for the Diocese of Erie
Regulations concerning Adoptions and Baptismal Registers and CertificatesChild Protection
Promulgating the Revised Policy for the Protection of Children 2018Click here for the full policy.
Revised norms for Confirmation (2022)Deaneries
Effecting the dissolution of the Gannon DeaneryEffecting the merger of the Clearfield Deanery into the DuBois Deanery
Effecting the merger of the Meadville and Sharon Deaneries and erecting the Greenville Deanery
Announcing the Libellus and Opening of the Cause for Gertrude A. BarberFinancial Matters
Procedures for the Buying or Selling of Parish Real Estate
Prohibiting Gun Raffles (2013)
Sacramental Assistance Remuneration Policy (2016)
Funeral Rites for Clergy Who Ceased Ministry
Altering the Time for Mass on the Vigil of SundayAnticipated and Vigil Masses
Establishing Required Procedures for the Modification of Mass Schedules
Regulating Mass celebrated ad orientem
Revised Communion Rite (2021)
List of Merged or Closed Parishes and ChurchesOn the Celebration of Sunday, Holy Day, and Weekday Masses
On the Structuring of Parish Finance Councils
On the Structuring of Parish Pastoral Councils
Regulations for the Administration of Parish Temporal Affairs in the Roman Catholic Diocese of Erie (2007)
Political Involvement
Norms for Participation of Catholic Institutions in the Political SphereSchools
On the Requirement to Comply with Diocesan School PoliciesVicars
On the Selection and Duties of the Vicar Forane (Dean)Weddings
Establishing the Time for Weddings on the Vigil of SundayLocation of Wedding and Baptismal Celebrations
Weddings on Holy Days of Obligation