Almsgiving is one of the three pillars of Lent, alongside prayer and fasting. It calls us to give generously to those in need, reflecting Christ’s love through acts of charity and service. Rooted in scripture, almsgiving is a tangible expression of our faith, reminding us to care for the poor, support the vulnerable and share our blessings with others. Through this practice, we grow in compassion and humility, drawing closer to God and strengthening our commitment to social justice.
Want to make a difference? Catholic Charities welcomes donations during the Lenten season. Many ministries across the 13 counties of the Diocese of Erie invite you to review their wish lists. What is the best fit for you? Whether it’s providing food, clothing, hygiene items or financial support, your generosity can bring hope to those in need.
Christ the King Manor, DuBois
Christ the King Manor is a continuing care retirement community offering skilled nursing care, daily living services, short-term rehabilitation and home support services for seniors.
- Toiletries, esp. shampoo and lotion
- Gripper socks - all sizes
- Blankets
- Men’s and Women’s slip-on shoes, all sizes
- Word search puzzles
- Monetary donations to the Care and Compassion Fund which is used in part to fulfill a resident’s dream or provide financial assistance. (Go to drop down menu where it says “Use this donation for” and select Care and Compassion)
Email Paula Felton-Werner or call 814-371-3180
Good Samaritan Center, Clearfield
The Good Samaritan Center provides short-term shelter services for men who are homeless and coordinated emergency services for the community in Clearfield County.
- Nonperishable food – especially canned goods, pasta, pasta sauce, sugar and creamer
- Household supplies - especially twin bed sheet sets, bath towels, laundry detergent and paper towels
Email Douglas Bloom or call 814-765-6880
Prince of Peace Center, Farrell/Shenango Valley
A social services agency that provides emergency services, a soup kitchen with hot meals 2x/week, food pantry, a thrift store and individual and family support services to assist with the needs of the community.
- Travel size hygiene items
- Body wipes
- Generic hand-held can openers
- Antibacterial wipes
- Diapers and baby wipes
- Feminine care items
Email Sarah Worthingston or call 724-346-5777
St. Elizabeth Center, Oil City
A food pantry and outreach center serving the Oil City area. The Center provides monthly food and household supplies distribution and coordinated emergency assistance to those in need. St. Elizabeth Center also operates a thrift store that is open to the public and is used to support the operations needs of the food pantry.
- Toiletries: shampoo, conditioner, deodorant, soap, toilet paper
- Cleaning supplies: antibacterial wipes, paper towels, laundry soap, dusting spray, window cleaner, cleanser
- Monetary donations for emergency assistance to those in need in Venango.
- Non-perishable food items
Email Jessica Struthers or call (814) 677-0203
St. John XXIII Home, Hermitage
A healthcare community providing skilled nursing care, long-term care, personal and secured dementia care, respite care and independent living opportunities for seniors.
- Games: Puzzles, Crosswords, books, playing cards, sudoku
- Men’s or women’s socks
- Adult slippers of varied sizes
Email Kirk Hawthorne, Administrator, or call (724) 981-3200
St. Martin Center, Erie
St. Martin Center provides services to help families and individuals through crisis situations and on a path to self-sufficiency. St Martin Center provides programs that feed the hungry, educate children, and help to keep people in their homes.
- Large and small cotton sheets
- Blankets (child-size)
- Play-doh!
- Board games (school age)
- Large floor puzzles
- Wooden puzzles
- Baby doll clothes
- Washable markers
- Paint brushes
- Watercolor paints
- Dental hygiene
- Men's and women's razors
Email Michele Bagnoni or call 814-452-6113