December 30, 2024
The next Information Bulletin is Monday, January 6, 2025.The deadline for submissions is Thursday, January 2, 2025, at 4:30 p.m.
The Diocese of Erie Information Bulletin advertises and promotes activities and events sponsored by diocesan entities such as parishes, schools, religious communities and groups. The IB is unable to advertise or promote activities or events not sponsored by such entities. Submissions may run a maximum of two editions. The administrative offices of the diocese reserve the right to edit submissions.
Email your Information Bulletin items to the editor.
International Catholic Stewardship Council newsletter
The Catholic Foundation is happy to share the attached January edition of the International Catholic Stewardship Council newsletter (English and Spanish versions are available). Pastors and parish staff are encouraged to read and share this publication with their parishioners, using all or parts of it for their parish bulletin, with credit to the author/source. Please see the attached flyer.
Diocesan map posters
The Chancery is in the process of ordering updated poster-sized maps of the diocese, featuring the newly established deanery boundaries. These maps include every town that has a Catholic Church, regardless of whether that church has regularly scheduled Sunday Mass. If your parish or Catholic entity would like to purchase a large diocesan map, please contact Maria Caulfield at or 814.824.1130 by Jan. 6. Maps are $12 each. A printable version of the map may be found at
Job openings in the diocese
See the classified section below for the latest position openings. Here’s a quick link to diocesan, school and parish jobs: For Erie Catholic School System jobs only, go to
AttachmentsICSC January Stewardship eBulletin EnglishICSC January Stewardship eBulletin Spanish Healing the Whole Person Being Pilgrims of Hope Overnight Retreat
PW Protected Attachments:Clergy and Department Heads click here to login.ICSC January Stewardship eBulletin English ICSC January Stewardship eBulletin Spanish Healing the Whole Person Being Pilgrims of Hope Overnight Retreat |
St. Francis Xavier Parish to host “Healing the Whole Person” course
St. Francis Xavier Parish will be hosting an eight-week course of the John Paul II Healing Center: “Healing the Whole Person”. This course will begin on Feb. 17 and will run every week until April 7. There will be two different opportunities to attend each week: Monday evenings from 6:30 pm to 8 pm or Wednesday mornings from 10 am to 11:30 am. Attending only one session per week is necessary. A $25 donation to cover the cost of the workbook is recommended. For more information, contact Irene at 814.476.7657, extension 7, or email See the attached flyer for more details.
Overnight retreat: “Being Pilgrims of Hope Living Catholic Social Teaching”
Sister Marian and Sister Tina of the Catholic Rural Ministry in conjunction with guest speaker Elizabeth Slaby, director of the Office of Social Justice and Life, will be conducting an overnight retreat, Feb. 4-5, from noon to noon, at the Olmsted Manor Retreat Center, 17 East Main St. Ludlow, PA 16333. This retreat will focus on prayer, reflection, presentations and sharing. The registration deadline is Jan. 15, 2025, and can be done by emailing Sister Rita at with your name and phone number. A $30 non-refundable registration fee can be mailed to: Catholic Rural Ministry, 7 Pulaski St., Oil City, PA 16301. Total retreat cost includes: four homecooked meals, room and presentation. The fee is $60 each for a double room or $75 for a single. A flyer is attached for more information.
There are no classifieds this week.
If I.B. attachments do not open, click here to download the latest Acrobat Reader. If problems persist, email Kathy Papalia or call 814.824.1184.
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To access the Information Bulletin online, visit and click on Information Bulletin under the News and Information drop-down menu. As with the email version, pastors and department heads will still need to enter their password to access secure information.
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