Director of the Office for Religious

My name is Sister Nancy Fischer and I am a Sister of Saint Joseph and director of the Diocese of Erie's Office for Religious. As director for religious, I represent the bishop and carry out the responsibilities he sees as related to those who are members of religious communities within the diocese.
As the representative of women religious for the diocese, I serve on the administrative cabinet of the diocese and meet with a variety of committees serving the needs of the people of God throughout the 13 counties of northwest Pennsylvania. In addition, I provide services and programs on behalf of our bishop to women religious in the diocese.
Examples include:
- Enrichment programs for members of religious communities
- Liturgical celebrations
- Visitation of communities and sisters
- Compensation related to communities
- Keeping brief biographical data about communities and individual sisters
- Meeting with superiors of communities when necessary
- Providing vocational awareness materials for conferences, schools and individuals
- Meeting with individual sisters or persons interested in information about religious life
- Attending meetings of the National Conference of Vicars for Religious
- Providing a clearing house for ministry positions and for those seeking positions, when requested
Director of the Office for Religious
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