January 24, 2022
The next Information Bulletin is Monday, January 31, 2022.
Deadline for submissions is Thursday, January 27, 2022, at 4:30 p.m.
The Diocese of Erie Information Bulletin advertises and promotes activities and events sponsored by diocesan entities such as parishes, schools, religious communities and groups. The IB is unable to advertise or promote activities or events not sponsored by such entities. Submissions may run a maximum of two editions. The administrative offices of the diocese reserve the right to edit submissions.
Email your Information Bulletin items to the editor.
Conversion continues from PDS Church Office to Ministry Platform
The conversion from PDS Church Office to Ministry Platform is on track to be completed by the end of the year. To help achieve this goal, all parishes have been organized into nine separate groups, or “waves.” Wave 1 parishes successfully completed their conversion activities in late 2021. Wave 2 parishes will begin their conversion activities during the first quarter of this year. The remaining parishes (waves 3 to 9) recently received an email from Deacon Frank Hannah, vice chancellor of the Diocese of Erie, that identifies their respective assignments. See the attachment for the complete parish wave schedule. For questions or concerns regarding the wave schedule, contact Deacon Hannah at fhannah@eriercd.org or 814-824-1130. For questions or concerns regarding conversion activities, contact Kathy Papalia, network administrator, at it@eriercd.org or 814-824-1184.
Webinar regarding online giving option is available to view
Parishes interested in providing an online giving option for parishioners or learning how online giving will be integrated in the Diocese of Erie’s new parish management solution, Ministry Platform, may watch a recording of a recent webinar at https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/recording/5371774429147047432. The webinar introduces Vanco, which has been supporting parishes and their communities with online giving tools for more than 20 years. More than 25,000 churches rely on Vanco to increase generosity, drive member engagement, and share their accomplishments. During this webinar, Vanco shows how it partners with Ministry Platform to simplify contribution allocation. Parishes that already have an online giving solution should still watch this informative webinar. Ministry Platform integration with Vanco will result in time savings for your office staff. Vanco’s zero monthly fee and competitive transaction rates can add up to significant cost savings for parishes. Email questions to Kathy Papalia at kpapalia@ErieRCD.org or call her at 814-824-1184.
RCIA materials now electronic
The Diocese of Erie has transitioned its annual diocesan RCIA mailing to electronic format. The information that parishes used to receive in the mail each January was emailed Jan. 14 to priests and parish RCIA leaders. This letter is attached for convenience. Two important things to keep in mind this year are:
- The Rite of Election will be held in person on March 6 at St. Luke Church, Erie, and on March 13 at St. Catherine of Siena Church, DuBois.
- Paperwork to register catechumens and candidates is available via electronic forms at https://eriercd.org/faithformation/rcia.html. The Request for Faculty to Confirm form is available by PDF to be signed by the pastor and mailed to the Chancery. That form is attached.
- RCIA forms and Rite of Election RSVPs are due by Friday, Feb. 18.
For help in completing electronic forms, contact Faye Froess at 814-824-1210. For any other questions, contact Jessie Hubert, director of faith formation for parish support, at jhubert@eriercd.org or 814-824-1224.
Bishop issues decree promulgating law regarding Mass ad orientem
Attached please find a letter to the faithful of the Diocese of Erie that explains the recent decree issued by Bishop Lawrence Persico concerning the celebration of Mass ad orientem. The decree is available under the “Mass” heading found at www.eriercd.org/bishop/particularlaw.html.
2022 Catholic Services Appeal update
CSA Commitment Sunday is Feb. 27, 2022. Some pastors have requested flexibility with that date in their parishes. Therefore, no specific dates appear on CSA promotional materials. However, parishes are asked to hold their CSA Commitment Sunday no later than Feb. 27. Parishes should receive all requested CSA materials by Jan. 28. Additional CSA digital resources are available at https://www.eriercd.org/Catholic-Services-Appeal-CSA-Materials.html. Contact Julia Cooney for assistance with CSA matters at 814-824-1253 or at jcooney@cfnwpa.org.
Diocese launches 2022 directory online
The 2022 diocesan directory has been launched this year in a digital format, rather than in print. Find it and bookmark it at https://www.eriercd.org/directory.html. It can also be accessed through the “Offices and General Index” tab on the diocesan homepage at www.eriercd.org. Going digital means information can be updated throughout the year. In addition, there is no longer any cost for users. For those who prefer hard copies, there is an option to download a printable list for several sections, including parishes and schools. During this year of transition, if you have suggestions about how to improve this important resource, please contact Anne-Marie Welsh in the Communications Office at amwelsh@eriercd.org.
What is Synodality?
Pope Francis has asked all of us to contribute our insights to the 2023 Synod of Bishops on the theme, “For a Synodal Church: Communion, Participation, and Mission.” Local consultations are taking place in the Diocese of Erie in February and March. The Chancery has developed a series of educational articles concerning key terms that are important to the process. Parishes are asked to include these in their bulletins, either as articles or as inserts, in the month of February. One key term may be published each week. Today’s Information Bulletin includes Synod key term #2, “What is Synodality?” This series was first published in the Information Bulletin in December. It began again last week and will continue in the coming few weeks. For more information, please visit https://www.eriercd.org/synodality.html or call the Chancery at 814-824-1130.
Marriage Matters newsletter now available
See the attached Marriage Matters newsletter produced by the Tribunal of the Diocese of Erie.
Job openings in the diocese
See the classified section below for the latest position openings. Here’s a quick link to diocesan, school and parish jobs: https://www.eriercd.org/employment.html. For Erie Catholic School System jobs only, go to http://ErieCatholic.org/careers.
PW Protected Attachments:Clergy and Department Heads click here to login.Parish conversion schedule to Ministry Platform Faculty to Confirm form Rite of Election letter 2022 Letter regarding Mass ad orientem Synod key term #2 Marriage Matters Trivia Quiz Night |
Erie’s March for Life scheduled for Jan. 29
Plan to attend Erie’s March for Life on Jan. 29 at 11 a.m. in downtown Erie. The event, organized by Erie’s People for Life, Inc., marks the 49th anniversary of the 1973 Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision legalizing abortion. The walk is intended to show support for the pro-life cause. Marchers should arrive at Perry Square at 10:45 a.m. Parking will be available in the parking garage on Peach Street between W. 7th and W. 8th streets, and in the lots just east of Perry Square on French Street. Remember to dress for winter weather and be sure to wear good, non-slip footwear.
Youth invited to NET Ministries conference
St. Mark the Evangelist Parish, Lawrence Park, and Mount Calvary Parish, Erie, invite all youth in sixth through 12th grades to the NET Ministries Youth Conference Feb. 5 from 11:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the social hall of St. Mark the Evangelist, 695 Smithson Ave. This event is open to anyone who wants to dive deeper into their relationship with God. NET Ministries is a group of fun, energetic and engaging young adults that travels the country to share their experiences and faith with young people. Bring a pen and your Bible. (Bibles also are available on site.) COVID-19 social-distancing protocols will be followed. Lunch and refreshments will be provided by the parishes and Knights of Columbus #13826. Join NET Ministries and parish representatives for dinner after the 4:30 p.m. Mass. RSVP for the conference at https://form.jotform.com/smmcreled/net-ministries-form or contact the office at office@smmc.church or 814-899-3000.
Calling all young adults 21+!
The Catholic Young Adult Ministry invites anyone 21 and older to Trivia Quiz Night on Feb. 18 in the auditorium of Sacred Heart Parish, 816 W. 26th St. (Auditorium is located behind the church.) The cost is $10 per person; $15 per couple. Please RSVP by Feb. 4 to aboyd@eriercd.org or at https://erieya.org. For more information, contact Father Andy Boyd at aboyd@eriercd.org. For convenience, see the attachment.
Cash bingo planned for February
Plan now to attend the Feb. 20 cash bingo event sponsored by the St. Benedict Academy alumnae board. Bingo starts at 1 p.m. at the Polish Falcons Club, 431 E. 3rd St., Erie. A 50/50 will be featured, and the kitchen and bar will be open. Packets are $25. The event benefits the ministries of the Benedictine Sisters of Erie.
Register today for 22:32 Men, a Catholic men’s conference
Enjoy a dynamic experience with an estimated 500 men from around the Diocese of Erie and beyond at the ninth annual 22:32 Men’s Conference, sponsored by the Reason for Our Hope Foundation. The event is scheduled Feb. 12 from 8:30 a.m. to noon at St. Jude the Apostle Church, 2801 W. 6th St., Erie. Grow in your relationship with the Lord through inspiring speakers and opportunities for prayer, adoration and reconciliation, as well as Mass with Bishop Lawrence Persico. Just bring a notebook, a Bible and an open heart. Visit www.2232Men.com or call 814-455-7364 for more information and to register.
Annual Pre-Lenten Retreat planned in February
The Diocesan Chastity Education Office is excited to announce the return of its annual Pre-Lenten Retreat. Singles and couples are invited to participate in the retreat Feb. 25-26 at St. Thomas More House of Prayer in Cranberry. Retreatants will have opportunities for community, talks, adoration, Mass and confession. Please complete registration by Feb. 18. For more information and to register, visit www.eriercd.org/chastity/retreat.html. Questions? Call or email Jacob Kessler, director of chastity education for the Diocese of Erie, at 814-824-1216 or jkessler@eriercd.org.
Editor/writer/communications associate
The Communications Office of the Diocese of Erie is seeking a creative, enthusiastic, organized, visionary individual to become the editor/writer/communications associate. Please go to https://www.eriercd.org/employment.html for full position details and application process.
Multi-media journalist
The Communications Office of the Diocese of Erie is looking for a creative, energetic, organized and dedicated individual to become the multi-media journalist (MMJ). Please go to https://www.eriercd.org/employment.html for full position details and application process.
High school principal needed in Ohio diocese
The Diocese of Youngstown, Ohio, is seeking to fill the position of principal at Cardinal Mooney High School in Youngstown. For information about the position, call 330-744-8451, ext. 286. Send cover letter, resume and three professional references to: Dr. Jim King, Associate Superintendent, Office of Catholic Schools, 144 West Wood St., Youngstown, OH 44503 or email him at jking@youngstowndiocese.org.
Youngstown Diocese seeks director of curriculum and instruction
The Office of Catholic Schools in the Diocese of Youngstown, Ohio, is seeking a director of curriculum and instruction. Deadline for applications is Feb. 1, 2022. Email a cover letter, resume and three professional references to: Mary Fiala, superintendent of schools, at employment@youngstowndiocese.org. For further information, call 330-744-8451, ext. 229.
If I.B. attachments do not open, click here to download the latest Acrobat Reader. If problems persist, email Kathy Papalia or call 814.824.1184.
If your email address or your status for receiving the Information Bulletin changes, please notify the Office of Communications so that we can update our mailing list.
To access the Information Bulletin online, visit www.ErieRCD.org and click on Information Bulletin under the News and Information drop-down menu. As with the email version, pastors and department heads will still need to enter their password to access secure information.
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