January 3, 2022

The next Information Bulletin is Monday, January 10, 2022.
Deadline for submissions is Thursday, January 6, 2022, at 4:30 p.m.

The Diocese of Erie Information Bulletin advertises and promotes activities and events sponsored by diocesan entities such as parishes, schools, religious communities and groups. The IB is unable to advertise or promote activities or events not sponsored by such entities. Submissions may run a maximum of two editions. The administrative offices of the diocese reserve the right to edit submissions.

Email your Information Bulletin items to the editor.

2022 Help Spread the Faith Collection
Please find attached Bishop Lawrence Persico’s letter introducing the 2022 Help Spread the Faith Collection for Catholic Communications, taken the weekend of Jan. 22-23. Parishes are asked to publicize this collection in a significant way on the weekend of Jan. 15-16.

Lenten small groups to explore racial justice
The Diocese of Erie is offering two separate small group experiences this Lent to explore racial justice. These opportunities are sponsored by the offices of Social Justice and Life and Faith Formation Parish Support. Those who are looking for Christian community, a place to ask big questions, and a way to explore the Gospel call to work for racial justice are invited to learn more and consider applying at https://www.eriercd.org/socialjusticelife/racialjustice.html. Applications are due Jan. 18. Questions can be directed to the Social Justice and Life Office at SJL@ErieRCD.org.

Pastors and administrators: Online giving webinar offered
Pastors and parish administrators may review the attached information about a webinar, titled “Online Giving in Ministry Platform,” from the Diocese of Erie’s new parish management solution company. The webinar, given by Vanco, Ministry Platform’s online giving provider, is scheduled for Jan. 18, 2022, at 10 a.m.

International Catholic Stewardship Council newsletter
The Catholic Foundation is happy to share the January edition of the International Catholic Stewardship Council newsletter found at https://bit.ly/32yP9Ym. Pastors and parish staff are encouraged to read and share this publication with their parishioners, using all or parts of it for their parish bulletin, with credit to the author/source.

Job openings in the diocese
See the classified section below for the latest position openings. Here’s a quick link to diocesan, school and parish jobs: https://www.eriercd.org/employment.html. For Erie Catholic School System jobs only, go to http://ErieCatholic.org/careers.


Lenten small groups-racial justice
Help Spread the Faith 2022

Parish Bulletin Announcements

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Clergy and Department Heads click here to login.

Lenten small groups-racial justice
Help Spread the Faith 2022


There are no activities to announce this week.

Communications Office position open
The Communications Office of the Diocese of Erie is seeking to fill the position of advertising/circulation/office manager based at St. Mark Catholic Center, Erie. For details on the position and how to apply, go to https://www.eriercd.org/employment.html.

If I.B. attachments do not open, click here to download the latest Acrobat Reader. If problems persist, email Kathy Papalia or call 814.824.1184.

If your email address or your status for receiving the Information Bulletin changes, please notify the Office of Communications so that we can update our mailing list.

To access the Information Bulletin online, visit www.ErieRCD.org and click on Information Bulletin under the News and Information drop-down menu. As with the email version, pastors and department heads will still need to enter their password to access secure information.

If you would like to unsubscribe to the Information Bulletin, please notify the Office of Communications and type “unsubscribe” in the subject line.