November 22, 2024

The next Information Bulletin is Monday, December 2, 2024.
Due to the Thanksgiving holiday, we are sending this edition of the IB this Friday, November 22, 2024. The deadline for submissions for the December 2 edition of the IB is Tuesday, November 26, at 4:30 pm.

The Diocese of Erie Information Bulletin advertises and promotes activities and events sponsored by diocesan entities such as parishes, schools, religious communities and groups. The IB is unable to advertise or promote activities or events not sponsored by such entities. Submissions may run a maximum of two editions. The administrative offices of the diocese reserve the right to edit submissions.

Email your Information Bulletin items to the editor.

#iGiveCatholic giving continues through December 3
The #iGiveCatholic advanced giving phase is off to a strong start! Donations can be made online through Dec. 3 at or directly to a parish, school or ministry by cash or check. Organizations may consider sending an email to supporters, posting a flyer at building entrances, posting a link to their organization on Facebook, or inserting a notice in bulletins or newsletters. Don’t be shy about asking your supporters to donate to #iGiveCatholic! This might be the giving opportunity that speaks to them. Contact Elizabeth Rathburn with questions at or 814.824.1257.

International Catholic Stewardship Council newsletter
The Catholic Foundation is happy to share the attached December edition of the International Catholic Stewardship Council newsletter (English and Spanish versions are available). Pastors and parish staff are encouraged to read and share this publication with their parishioners, using all or parts of it for their parish bulletin, with credit to the author/source. Attached newsletter available for sharing at all parishes.

2024 Collection for Retired Religious
Please find attached Bishop Persico’s letter introducing the 2024 collection for Retired Religious, taken the weekend of Dec. 7-8, 2024. Parishes are asked to publicize this collection in a significant way on the weekend of Nov. 26-27, 2024. Also attached are pulpit and bulletin announcements for your use.

Diocese of Erie liturgical calendar
Attached is the liturgical calendar for the Diocese of Erie as prepared by the Office for Divine Worship. The purpose of the document is to provide all who are involved with liturgies (pastors, deacons, music directors, etc.) with as much information as possible for the celebration of the Sacred Mysteries. It does not replace the Ordo from Paulist Press. It does, however, provide much more information for liturgical celebrations in the Diocese of Erie. This is a “living document” that will grow and be refined each year. Any insights, corrections and suggestions are welcome as Liturgical Year 2025 unfolds. Please contact Maripat Grant at 814.824.1271.

Jubilee 2025
Pope Francis will inaugurate the Jubilee Year at St. Peter’s Basilica on Christmas Eve. Bishop Persico will inaugurate the Jubilee Year, with the bishops of the world, each in their cathedral church, the following Sunday, the Feast of the Holy Family. Priests are asked to bring these celebrations to the attention of your people at the end of your parish’s principal Mass on the Fourth Sunday of Advent. Please see the attachment for more information.

Christmas Eve and Christmas Mass times are needed
Christmas Eve and Christmas Mass times are frequently requested by parishioners. The Office of Communications collects this information and creates a landing page on our diocesan website for the public to access this important information. Therefore, the Office of Communication of the Diocese of Erie asks each parish to please provide details by Dec. 6. Please submit the following:

  1. Parish name
  2. Parish town
  3. Parish contact person
  4. Parish contact person email
  5. Parish contact person phone
  6. Christmas Eve Mass times
  7. Christmas Day Mass time(s)

This landing page on will be launched on Dec. 13. Note: For convenience, copy and paste the above categories and provide your information in an email to Rich Papalia, webmaster, at

Office for Divine Worship monthly newsletter
The Office for Divine Worship presents a monthly newsletter to aid in preparing celebrations that will occur in that particular month. The December newsletter is attached.

Suggestions for password safety and protection
As we engage with the digital world, safeguarding our online accounts is essential. Create a robust password to ensure your accounts remain secure. Remember, hackers often don’t break in; they simply sign in. By following these simple guidelines, we can work together to keep our online community safe. Thank you for taking these important steps to protect your personal information.

  • Aim for a password at least twelve characters long, fourteen or more is even better.
  • Incorporate uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers and symbols.
  • Avoid words found in the dictionary, as well as names of people, characters or organizations.
  • Ensure your new password is significantly different from any you’ve used before. Make a password that is meaningful to you but hard for others to guess.

Job openings in the diocese
See the classified section below for the latest position openings. Here’s a quick link to diocesan, school and parish jobs: For Erie Catholic School System jobs only, go to


ICSC in English and Spanish
Bishop’s letter and parish appeal pulpit announcement
Liturgical Calendar 2025
Office for Divine Worship monthly newsletter
Christmas cookie walk and holiday market flyer
Christmas craft show flyer
Lessons and Carols 2024 poster
A Merry Mercy Christmas
Saint Eusebius Parish annual turkey bingo

Parish Bulletin Announcements

PW Protected Attachments:

Clergy and Department Heads click here to login.

ICSC in English and Spanish
Bishop’s letter and parish appeal pulpit announcement
Liturgical Calendar 2025
Jubilee 2025 - Preparation for the Opening of Jubilee Year
Office for Divine Worship monthly newsletter
Christmas cookie walk and holiday market flyer
Christmas craft show flyer
Lessons and Carols 2024 poster
A Merry Mercy Christmas
Saint Eusebius Parish annual turkey bingo


Advent season to be celebrated with Solemn Vespers
Solemn Vespers will be prayed at Saint Peter Cathedral, 230 West 10th Street, Erie, on Sundays at 4 pm during the season of Advent. Singing will be led by the Priest Schola. With its rich use of the Scriptures (psalms, canticles, and readings), prayers of intercession, symbols and gestures, the celebration of Solemn Vespers deepens our appreciation for the rich tradition that is our Catholic faith. All are invited to join in praying the prayers of the universal church in person or via livestream.

First Sunday of Advent, Dec. 1
Presider and Homilist: Fr. Michael Kesicki
Third Sunday of Advent, Dec. 15
Presider and Homilist: Fr. Joseph Petrone
Fourth Sunday of Advent, Dec. 22
Presider and Homilist: Bishop Lawrence Persico

Saint George Youth Ministry Adoration
The Saint George Youth Ministry will be sponsoring an Adoration to be held at Saint George Parish, 5145 Peach Street, Erie, on Thursday, Dec. 5, from 7-8 pm. All ages are welcome. Refreshments and fellowship to follow in the school multipurpose room.

Clothing distribution party
The Community Outreach Group will host their annual clothing distribution party on Dec. 7 from 10 am-2 pm at St. Paul Center, 453 West 16th Street, Erie, which is next door to St. Paul Catholic Church. In addition to receiving free clothing and coats, patrons can enjoy a free hot lunch. For more information, please search Facebook and YouTube for “Community Outreach Group of Erie, PA,” or e-mail Tim Nowakowski at, or text/call 814.566.6435.  

Christmas cookie walk and a holiday mini market
St. Anthony Parish, 804 Idaho Street, Sharon, is hosting a Christmas cookie walk and mini holiday market Dec. 15 from 9:30 am to 12:30 pm. Comfort food, Christmas mocktails and cocktails and Christmas décor will be available for purchase. Please see attached flyer for more information.

Christmas holiday craft show
The perfect present is just waiting to be discovered at our Christmas holiday craft and vendor show. This event will be held on Friday, Dec. 6, and Saturday, Dec. 7, from 9 am to 4 pm at the St. Mary Social Hall, 117 Lencer Drive, Leeper. Admission is free. Dozens of tables will showcase handcrafted products including holiday decorations, home decor, wooden toys, nativity sets, jewelry, apparel, wreaths and more. A soup and sandwich luncheon will be available for purchase. A gift auction, 50/50 raffle and the 12 Days of eating and shopping raffle ($600 worth of gift cards) will also be held. Proceeds benefit St. Mary Parish faith formation program. 

Cookies are: $4 a half dozen, $6 a dozen or $7 a dozen for specialty cookies. An informational flyer is attached suitable for parish bulletins.

Service of Lessons and Carols presented by Saint Peter Cathedral Choir
The Choir of Saint Peter Cathedral, 230 West 10th Street, Erie, will present a service of lessons and carols on Saturday, Dec. 14, at 6 pm. This service is an adaptation of the Festival of Lessons and Carols at King College, Cambridge, celebrated annually on Christmas Eve. Saint Peter Cathedral's service, like the liturgies that inspired it, begins and ends in prayer. Nine scripture readings, from Genesis to the poetic prologue of the Gospel of John, recount the Christmas story and its location within the broader context of Salvation History. This year's musical selections feature several favorite congregational Christmas carols and anthems. Please consider making this a part of your family's annual Advent/Christmas tradition. Admission is free and all are welcome to attend. A flyer is attached for parish bulletins.

Saint Bernard Parish to host Seasons of the Church Year presentation
Sister Kathleen Dietz, FSO, will give a presentation on “Seasons of the Church Year” on Saturday, Dec. 7, at Saint Bernard Parish, 95 E. Corydon St., Bradford. The talk will be at Father Gallina Hall from 10 am to noon. Sister Kathleen will discuss how, just as the earth has its seasons through which it cycles year after year, so the Church has seasons through which it cycles, following the birth, life, death, resurrection and ascension of Our Lord, year in and year out.

Our Lady of Mercy presents A Merry Mercy Christmas craft show
Our Lady of Mercy Parish is excited to celebrate all the wonders and joys of the Christmas season with the greater community. A Merry Mercy Christmas craft show will be held on Sunday, Dec. 15, starting at 2 pm at 837 Bartlett Rd., Harborcreek. There will be special performances, crafts, shopping, food to purchase and of course Santa and his live reindeer, plus so much more. This event is free and open to the public. We look forward to spending the day with you as we anticipate the excitement of Christmas with a day of fun for all ages! A flyer is attached for parish bulletins.

Our Lady of Peace Parish to host garage sale benefitting Troop-59 Boy Scouts
Our Lady of Peace Parish is hosting a Christmas themed garage sale with proceeds benefiting the Boy Scouts of America, Troop-59. Those wishing to participate may drop items off on Monday, Nov. 25 and Monday, Dec. 2, from 6-8 pm at Our Lady of Peace Scout House on the corner of West 38th and Pacific Ave., Erie. The sale will be held in the Our Lady of Peace school cafeteria on Saturday, Dec. 7 from 8 am-12 pm and 4-7 pm, and on Sunday, Dec. 8 from 8 am-12 pm.

Donations from this Christmas sale will benefit activities for OLP and West Lake FD Troop-59. For questions, please call Alyson Dana at 814.490.3493 or

Saint Eusebius Parish annual turkey bingo
The Saint Eusebius Parish annual turkey bingo will be held at the Saint Eusebius Parish social hall, 301 E. 2nd St., East Brady, on Nov. 25 at 7 pm. There will be bingo, raffle prizes and food for purchase. A parish friendly flier is attached.  

There are no classifieds this week.

If I.B. attachments do not openclick here to download the latest Acrobat Reader. If problems persist, email Kathy Papalia or call 814.824.1184.

If your email address or your status for receiving the Information Bulletin changes, please notify the Office of Communications so that we can update our mailing list.

To access the Information Bulletin online, visit and click on Information Bulletin under the News and Information drop-down menu. As with the email version, pastors and department heads will still need to enter their password to access secure information.

If you would like to unsubscribe to the Information Bulletin, please notify the Office of Communications and type “unsubscribe” in the subject line.