Bulletin Announcement: Oil City

Wedding Anniversary Celebrations with Bishop Persico 6-30-2024
Use this in your 06/30/2024 bulletin

Diocesan Anniversary Celebrations for couples celebrating 25, 40, 50, 60 or more years of marriage in 2024 will be held at two locations in the Diocese of Erie this summer: 

* Sunday, August 4 at St. George, Erie at 2:00 p.m. 

* Sunday, August 18 at Beloved Disciple, Grove City at 2:00 p.m. (updated location as of 5/10/2024)

Couples and/or Parish staff may complete a registration form online at http://www.eriercd.org/familylifeoffice/anniv.html , calling their parish office or contact the Marriage and Family Life Office at (814) 824-1210. Registrations are being accepted until July 21 for Erie celebrations and until August 4 for Grove City celebrations. 

Marriage Moment 6-30-2024
Use this in your 06/30/2024 bulletin
July 4 is “Independence Day” in the USA. Being an independent country and person have value. BUT…in marriage we are also called to dependence. I depend on you to keep your word, to comfort me when I’m sad, to help out. How do you depend on one another?

Parenting Pointers 6-30-2024
Use this in your 06/30/2024 bulletin
Don't argue with anyone today ? even if you're right. Whether it’s your spouse, child, or a stranger, training yourself to pause and consider another’s point of view can deepen your maturity and relationships.

A Family Perspective 6-30-2024
Use this in your 06/30/2024 bulletin

The healing of the woman and the child in today’s gospel is a reminder we are all wounded.   We retreat to those we love looking for acceptance, listening, understanding and support.  Families must be healing communities where Jesus is present in our care for one another.

Milestone Anniversary Celebrations 7-7-2024
Use this in your 07/07/2024 bulletin
Couples celebrating 25th , 40th, 50th , 60th or more wedding anniversaries are invited to attend the annual Diocesan Anniversary Celebrations on:

* Sunday, August 4 at St. George Parish, Erie or
* Sunday, August 18 at
Beloved Disciple Parish, Grove City (updated location since 5/10/2024)

Celebrations include Mass with Bishop Persico followed by a light reception. To register for either event or to receive a certificate by mail,
complete the online registration at
https://www.eriercd.org/familylifeoffice/anniv.html, contact your parish office, or contact the Marriage and Family Life Office at (814) 824-1210. Registrations are being accepted until July 21 for Erie celebrations and until August 4 for the Grove City celebrations.

A Family Perspective 7-7-2024
Use this in your 07/07/2024 bulletin

Today’s gospel is so familiar, it hurts!  The home town folks couldn’t accept the presence of God in Jesus. After all, they had watched him grow up. We can easily make the same mistake if we don’t see God present in the ordinary members of our family.  “The Lord be with you” is a statement of fact. Believe it. 

Marriage Moment 7-7-2024
Use this in your 07/07/2024 bulletin

If you’re too busy to pray, you may be too busy. You don’t necessarily have to pray together, although that is nice. If praying together is not your style, at least make a commitment to pray FOR your beloved in private…but also check what is keeping you so busy.

Parenting Pointers 7-7-2024
Use this in your 07/07/2024 bulletin
Your child may or may not look like you. BUT remember, your children are not a reflection of you. They are souls given to you through your love and by God with their own unique purpose. Our job, as parent and guide, is to help them identify this purpose.

Parenting Pointers 7-14-2024
Use this in your 07/14/2024 bulletin

All of us procrastinate at times. Perhaps we are busy or want to avoid doing something. The Christian Family Movement has a saying to help us decide if procrastination is warranted or an escape.


Is there something that you’ve been putting off until the kids are older, the house paid for, your teeth are flossed? Relationships don’t always wait for some day/one day.

Marriage Moment 7-14-2024
Use this in your 07/14/2024 bulletin

On a scale of 1 to 10 are you a “CLEAN” or a “DIRTY”? Likewise, are you a “NEAT” or a “SLOPPY”? Often clean and neat are equated with moral superiority, Unless your differences cause tension between you (or your home would not pass a blind health inspector) compromise. From https://www.foryourmarriage.org/

Wedding Anniversary Celebrations with Bishop Persico 7-14-2024
Use this in your 07/14/2024 bulletin

Diocesan Anniversary Celebrations for couples celebrating 25, 40, 50, 60 or more years of marriage in 2024 will be held at two locations in the Diocese of Erie this summer: 

* Sunday, August 4 at St. George, Erie at 2:00 p.m. 

* Sunday, August 18 at Beloved Disciple, Grove City at 2:00 p.m. (updated location as of 5/10/2024)

Couples and/or Parish staff may complete a registration form online at http://www.eriercd.org/familylifeoffice/anniv.html , calling their parish office or contact the Marriage and Family Life Office at (814) 824-1210. Registrations are being accepted until July 21 for Erie celebrations and until August 4 for Grove City celebrations. 

A Family Perspective 7-14-2024
Use this in your 07/14/2024 bulletin

Jesus sent out His apostles without a lot of “things” because THINGS distract.  We collect, argue about and protect our “things.”  We even ignore each other because we have “things” to do.  What “things” are separating you from your family?

Parenting Pointers 7-21-2024
Use this in your 07/21/2024 bulletin
You don’t have to write a book to be an author. Ask each person in your family to write one word to guide their life for the next day. It might be – wisdom, kindness, friendship… Too young to write? Have them draw a picture or simply say their word.

Marriage Moment 7-21-2024
Use this in your 07/21/2024 bulletin
There is no perfect world; no perfect marriage. Each of us have our faults and make mistakes. A “good enough” marriage takes two people who are willing to forgive each other and keep trying to love better.

Milestone Anniversary Celebrations 7-21-2024
Use this in your 07/21/2024 bulletin
Couples celebrating 25th , 40th, 50th , 60th or more wedding anniversaries are invited to attend the annual Diocesan Anniversary Celebrations on:

* Sunday, August 4 at St. George Parish, Erie or
* Sunday, August 18 at
Beloved Disciple Parish, Grove City (updated location since 5/10/2024)

Celebrations include Mass with Bishop Persico followed by a light reception. To register for either event or to receive a certificate by mail,
complete the online registration at
https://www.eriercd.org/familylifeoffice/anniv.html, contact your parish office, or contact the Marriage and Family Life Office at (814) 824-1210. Registrations are being accepted until July 21 for Erie celebrations and until August 4 for the Grove City celebrations.

A Family Perspective 7-21-2024
Use this in your 07/21/2024 bulletin

In today’s gospel “the apostles gathered around and told Jesus all they had done.”  Listening allows the other person to express, understand and appreciate their experiences. Whether it is the excited chatter of young child or the repetitious stories of an aging grandparent, listening is important. It is not just time well spent, it is sacred time. 

Marriage Moment 7-28-2024
Use this in your 07/28/2024 bulletin
In these hot days of summer, how do you refresh each other? Sometimes it might be giving your honey a cool drink or time to nap. Sometimes it might be refraining from complaining. Or maybe it’s just being quiet together.

Parenting Pointers 7-28-2024
Use this in your 07/28/2024 bulletin
August 1 is Earth Overshoot Day. If your children are old enough to understand this concept, ask each person in your family to take one environmental action this week to reduce their environmental footprint. At least model an action yourself.

Wedding Anniversary Celebrations with Bishop Persico 7-28-2024
Use this in your 07/28/2024 bulletin

Diocesan Anniversary Celebrations for couples celebrating 25, 40, 50, 60 or more years of marriage in 2024 will be held at two locations in the Diocese of Erie this summer: 

* Sunday, August 4 at St. George, Erie at 2:00 p.m. 

* Sunday, August 18 at Beloved Disciple, Grove City at 2:00 p.m. (updated location as of 5/10/2024)

Couples and/or Parish staff may complete a registration form online at http://www.eriercd.org/familylifeoffice/anniv.html , calling their parish office or contact the Marriage and Family Life Office at (814) 824-1210. Registrations are being accepted until July 21 for Erie celebrations and until August 4 for Grove City celebrations. 

A Family Perspective 7-28-2024
Use this in your 07/28/2024 bulletin

In today’s gospel Phillip worried about “enough food” for the crowd. What is ENOUGH? When does our ENOUGH deprive another family of their fair share? Jesus performed today’s miracle because one child was willing to share and risk living with less. Can your family live more simply so that other families can simply live?

Milestone Anniversary Celebrations 8-4-2024
Use this in your 08/04/2024 bulletin
Congratulations to all the couples who participated in the Diocesan Anniversary Celebration celebrating their 25, 40, 50, 60 or more years of marriage in 2024 today, Sunday, August 6, 2023 at St. George Parish, Erie.

The second location to participate in the Diocesan Anniversary Celebration is on Sunday, August 18 at Beloved Disciple Parish, Groved City. The celebration includes Mass with Bishop Persico followed by a light reception. To register for the celebration or to receive a certificate by mail, complete the online registration at https://www.eriercd.org/familylifeoffice/anniv.html, contact your parish office, or contact the Marriage and Family Life Office at (814) 824-1210. Registrations are being accepted until Monday, August 5 for the Grove City celebrations. 

A Family Perspective 8-4-2024
Use this in your 08/04/2024 bulletin

In today’s gospel Jesus tells us: “Do not work for what perishes.”  Give your life to what endures such as the family history you are creating, the love and mutual respect which bonds you together, the memories you share and the forgiveness generously given. These are the true treasures that are worth working and dying for.

A Family Perspective 8-11-2024
Use this in your 08/11/2024 bulletin

 “Stop murmuring” Jesus told the disciples in today’s gospel. Complaining is a dead-end; constant complaining is nagging. We might feel better but others feel bitter. Silence or grumbling will not resolve the problem. Address differences honestly and respectfully. Don’t make them personal attacks.

Wedding Anniversary Celebrations with Bishop Persico 8-11-2024
Use this in your 08/11/2024 bulletin

Diocesan Anniversary Celebrations for couples celebrating 25, 40, 50, 60 or more years of marriage in 2024 is being held at in the Diocese of Erie this summer: 

Sunday, August 28 at Beloved Disciple, Grove City at 2:00 p.m. - Registration closed on August 4

Couples and/or Parish staff may complete a registration form online at http://www.eriercd.org/familylifeoffice/anniv.html , calling their parish office or contact the Marriage and Family Life Office at (814) 824-1210. Registrations are being accepted for certificates to be mailed and will close on Saturday, August 31, 2024. 

Child Protection 8-11-2024
Use this in your 08/11/2024 bulletin

Child Protection and Creating Safe Environments- Diocesan Requirements for working with children: Working alongside the Bishop, the Office for the Protection of Children and Youth reinforces the ongoing implementation of policies and procedures that protect children. All clergy, employees, and volunteers in the Diocese of Erie who work with children must undergo criminal record checks. The diocesan Policy for the Protection of Children and Youth screening guidelines and abuse prevention training programs emphasize the importance of knowing the employees and volunteers who have access to children in our schools and parishes. Parents should remain vigilant in insisting that those with access to their children have gone through an application process and obtained the required clearances and trainings before being granted access to their children. Visit www.eriercd.org/childprotection/ to see what is required for those who work with children and youth in our parishes/schools/agencies.

A Family Perspective 8-18-2024
Use this in your 08/18/2024 bulletin

In today’s Gospel Jesus speaks of his flesh and blood as life-giving. Parents can identify with this, for they often feel the physical demands of family life; yet children grow in the soil of sacrificial love. Parenting is not part time work. It is a consuming lifetime commitment.

Milestone Anniversary Celebrations 8-18-2024
Use this in your 08/18/2024 bulletin
Congratulations to all the couples who participated in the Diocesan Anniversary Celebration celebrating their 25, 40, 50, 60 or more years of marriage in 2024 today at Beloved Disciple, Grove City.

Registrations a still being accepted for certificates to be mailed. Complete the online registration at https://www.eriercd.org/familylifeoffice/anniv.html, contact your parish office, or contact the Marriage and Family Life Office at (814) 824-1210. Registrations are being accepted until Saturday, August 31, 2024

A Family Perspective 8-25-2024
Use this in your 08/25/2024 bulletin

Even though many found the teachings of Jesus “difficult”, He did not back down. In our families it is important to say what is difficult to hear, to speak the truth with kindness, to correct with love and guide with understanding.

Wedding Anniversary Celebrations with Bishop Persico 8-25-2024
Use this in your 08/25/2024 bulletin

Congratulations to all the couples who participated in the Diocesan Anniversary Celebrations celebrating their 25, 40, 50, 60 or more years of marriage in 2024 at two locations in the Diocese of Erie this summer: 

Registrations are still being accepted for certificates to be mailed and will close on Saturday, August 31, 2024. Couples and/or Parish staff may complete a registration form online at http://www.eriercd.org/familylifeoffice/anniv.html , calling their parish office or contact the Marriage and Family Life Office at (814) 824-1210.

A Family Perspective 9-1-2024
Use this in your 09/01/2024 bulletin

In today’s gospel Jesus warns “what comes from within can defile” a person.  Families need to worry about “outside influences” but also about “inside influences.” The values our children carry for a life time are learned at home. Habits of the Hearth are the most powerful influences on a child. That can be good or bad news, depending on what’s being learned!

A Family Perspective 9-8-2024
Use this in your 09/08/2024 bulletin

Deafness abounds not only when we cannot hear, but when we refuse to listen.  Before Jesus can enter your home and heal, you must first recognize your deafness. Have trouble speaking your thoughts? Try choosing loving words, even if the message might be a difficult one to say. All things said in love are easier to hear and accept.

Child Protection 9-8-2024
Use this in your 09/08/2024 bulletin

**Note: Please mail/email the September Parish Bulletin containing the September announcement to the Office for the Protection of Children and Youth.

Child Protection and Creating Safe Environments- Diocesan Child Protection Policies: The Diocese of Erie, is committed to protecting minors who are entrusted to our care. The Diocese has policies and procedures in place to address the national problem of child abuse, to aid in the prevention of abuse and to develop and maintain safe environments. All those who minister to minors are screened, trained, and agree to a Code of Conduct. To read the Policy that includes the Code of Conduct, go to: https://www.eriercd.org/childprotection/policies-1.html  For more information, contact the diocesan Office for the Protection of Children and Youth at 814-824-1195.

A Family Perspective 9-15-2024
Use this in your 09/15/2024 bulletin

If commitment is the choice we make to give up other choices, then it is about “losing ourselves”.  If we try to be independent from others by “saving ourselves”, we end up lonely and alone. Happiness is found in commitments. The gospel is true: We save our life by losing it!

A Family Perspective 9-22-2024
Use this in your 09/22/2024 bulletin
Disagreements are common in families. But what would you say if Jesus posed the same question “What are you arguing about?”  Is it silly and petty? Is it an attempt to impose your will and control on another, or to really solve a problem?  Today Jesus tells us and his disciples to give it up. We are meant to serve each other, not control.

A Family Perspective 9-29-24
Use this in your 09/29/2024 bulletin

The words in today’s gospel, “Whoever gives a cup of water in the name of Christ will not lose their reward” hits us at home. As parents we gain our “reward” when we bring a bottle to a crying infant in the middle of the night, or juice boxes to parched five-year olds, or hold ice chips to the fevered lips of a spouse. It is that simple and that sacred. In our homes we give until it hurts “in the name of Christ.’

A Family Perspective 10-6-2024
Use this in your 10/06/2024 bulletin

Perhaps Jesus’ two-fold message in today’s gospel is a reminder to married couples to return to the innocence of the early years of their love—like children, loving each other with abandon. Do you know any couple who have recently married? Their love is contagious, and glowing, right? Married couples are called to be a sacramental reflection of God’s faithful and selfless love ….. a place where people live and love beyond rules and formulas.

Child Protection 10-13-2024
Use this in your 10/13/2024 bulletin

Child Protection and Creating Safe Environments – Is Your Child Street Smart? Being street smart means knowing how to keep yourself safe from strangers when you’re alone or with other kids. When your street smart you know your way around, you know how to handle yourself in tough situations and you can “read” people. Teach your child who are strangers - (-anyone they do not know or kind of know- and to never approach a strangers vehicle. Teach to your child to always tell you where they are. Teach your child to always go with a friend or two whether walking to school, bike riding or going to the store. Pick out safe spots where your child can go and get help. Places like police stations, stores, restaurants. Teach them how to spot safe places on their route and to avoid places that aren’t safe. Finally, teach your child to trust their instincts and to make a lot of noise if they are scared. For more information visit www.kidshealth.org. For additional resources visit www.eriercd.org/childprotection

A Family Perspective 10-13-2024
Use this in your 10/13/2024 bulletin

Having possessions is an illusion. In today’s gospel Jesus told the young man to give up his need to control and put his trust in God. He couldn’t let go! In families our need to control destroys relationships. We can lead, teach and encourage, but we can’t control anyone but ourselves.

A Family Perspective 10-20-2024
Use this in your 10/20/2024 bulletin

While many good books abound on marriage and parenting, Jesus tells us in today’s gospel the real secret: satisfying relationships depend on how well we sacrifice our needs to serve others. It is not about “getting,” it’s about “giving” ourselves.

A Family Perspective 10-27-2024
Use this in your 10/27/2024 bulletin

When Jesus asked the blind man “What do you want from me?” he asked for sight. If Jesus asked you the same question, what would you say?  Pure and simple, that is prayer.

A Family Perspective 11-3-2024
Use this in your 11/03/2024 bulletin

In a family, children are taught to be respectful if they want to be respected, to share, if they want their fair share and to listen if they want to be heard. Family life rescues us from arrogance by teaching us to love others as we love ourselves.

A Family Perspective 11-10-2024
Use this in your 11/10/2024 bulletin

The widow in today’s gospel gave only a little, but it counted for a lot. In our homes there are many LITTLE MOMENTS which can have great significance and glue the family together. Seize these moments.

Child Protection 11-10-2024
Use this in your 11/10/2024 bulletin

Child Protection and Creating Safe Environments- Bullying is defined as any unwanted aggressive behavior by another youth or group of youths that involves an observed or perceived power imbalance and is repeated multiple times or is highly likely to be repeated. 20% of youth ages 12-18 experience bullying. When adults respond quickly to bullying behavior, they send the message that bullying is not acceptable. There are ways parents can make a positive difference. Parents can educate themselves on the signs that a child is being bullied or is a bully. Parents should keep the lines of communication open with their child and model for their child how to treat others. Encourage your child to be inclusive by welcoming others to join their activities and groups. For more information on how to prevent bullying in your community visit www.stopbullying.org.

For additional resources visit www.eriercd.org/childprotection

A Family Perspective 11-17-2024
Use this in your 11/17/2024 bulletin
Today’s gospel teaches us UNCERTAINTY is normal. There are some things in life which “no one knows … only the Father.” Marriage and parenting are full of uncertainty for like the fig tree in the gospel, the people we love grow and change.

A Family Perspective 11-24-2024
Use this in your 11/24/2024 bulletin

When we are young, our parents “tell us about Jesus” and we believe what our parents believe. At some point we must leave our parents faith and ask Pilate’s question: “Are you the King?’ Pilate is just asking these questions on our behalf.

A Family Perspective 12-1-2024
Use this in your 12/01/2024 bulletin

At this time of the year we are very conscious of our family as we make preparations for Christmas.  Today’s gospel warns us not to be consumed by all the consumer activity. This Advent appreciates the gift of people in your life. The best gift this season might be your appreciation of others.

Child Protection 12-8-2024
Use this in your 12/08/2024 bulletin

Child Protection and Creating Safe Environments- Be Vigilant: It is vitally important that we are constantly vigilant concerning the behaviors of those who interact with children and communicating our concerns to the appropriate parties. Each one of us can play an important role in strengthening this culture of prevention. For example, we can better prevent abuse by ensuring that the signs of abuse are identified and reported. Noticing these warning signs, taking them seriously, and reporting them could prevent abuse in the future. When we witness inappropriate behavior or something that just doesn’t seem quite right, we must report our concerns through the appropriate channels. For particular questions in the Diocese of Erie, you may call the Office for the Protection of Children and Youth at 814-824-1195.

A Family Perspective 12-8-2024
Use this in your 12/08/2024 bulletin

Today’s gospel shows John the Baptist and parents have similar vocations. Like the Baptist, parents are asked to make “rough ways smooth” and to “prepare the way of the Lord” for their families. This Advent ask: “Does my life hinder or help my family to know Jesus?”

A Family Perspective 12-15-2024
Use this in your 12/15/2024 bulletin

Today’s gospel tells us to SHARE! This Christmas resist the pressure to give token gifts. Instead, use those funds to give NESSITITIES to the poor.  If our impoverished brothers and sisters are not on our gift list, we’ve missed the point of Christmas.

A Family Perspective 12-22-2024
Use this in your 12/22/2024 bulletin

Mary was excited about her first pregnancy and rushed to tell her cousin. Sadly children are often seen as a liability, “another mouth to feed” or an “obstacle to my career.” It is said “Christmas is for children.”  It is more accurate to say “Christmas is for adults to appreciate the gift of children!”

A Family Perspective 12-29-2024
Use this in your 12/29/2024 bulletin

Today’s gospel contains this truth about parenting: “but his parents did not know.”  One of the reasons parenting is so difficult is because our children don’t tell us everything. If the Holy Family had trouble with their teenager, why do we think it will be easier for us?

A Family Perspective 1-5-2025
Use this in your 01/05/2025 bulletin

After meeting Jesus, the Magi returned home by “another way.”  What in your family needs to be done “another way?” Do you need “another way to resolve differences, to communicate or show affection?  This is a new year, time to change what isn’t working. Take a tip from some wise men, there’s always “another way.”

A Family Perspective 1-12-2025
Use this in your 01/12/2025 bulletin

In today’s gospel Jesus was publicly AFFIRMED by his Father: “You are my beloved son, with you I am very pleased.” As parents we can become so focused on misbehaviors we overlook the good behaviors. Jesus needed AFFIRMATION and so do our children.

A Family Perspective 1-19-2025
Use this in your 01/19/2025 bulletin

At Cana we get a good insight into Mary’s parenting style. She did not plead, argue, demand or manipulate. She merely pointed out the situation and trusted her son would make the best decision.

A Family Perspective 1-26-2025
Use this in your 01/26/2025 bulletin

In today’s gospel Jesus was “praised by all” except at home in Nazareth where the “eyes of all were intently on him.” Acceptance can be hard to find at home due to unreal EXPECTATIONS.  Jesus challenges us to “proclaim liberty” to anyone “oppressed” or “captive’ by our EXPECTATIONS.