Catholic Rural Ministry of Bradford Deanery

About Us

Catholic Rural Ministry of Bradford Deanery, serving Potter and McKean counties, provides pastoral visits to the sick and homebound, spiritual education for youth and adults through reflection days for women and retreats, Bible studies, and vocation and mission awareness. Together with ecumenical collaboration, this ministry provides to families in need such social support services as food; clothing; assistance with rent, utilities and transportation; and referral information to area agencies. The primary goal of Catholic Rural Ministry is to bring "Hope and God’s Compassionate Presence" to all.

Spiritual Support

Reflection afternoon for women
Evenings of prayer and reflection
Visitation - homebound, hospitals, nursing homes
Phone ministry

The Phone Ministry is a way for CRM to keep in touch
with parishioners.

Parish Support and Resources

Faith sharing
Presence and support of parish meetings and organizations
Faith formation teachers
Formation of faith communities
First Friday communion calls

Bradford Deanery Youth

Vocation Awareness Program

Sr. Mary Hoffman speaks at a first eucharist retreat.

Social Needs in the Community

Clothing, food and furniture distribution to the poor
Area Agency on Aging Board Member
Emergency Food and Shelter Program Board Member
Ombudsmen for Nursing Homes and Hospital

Pastoral Outreach

Ecumenical collaboration

Sisters Mary Hoffman, OSB and Phyllis Schleicher, OSB offer produce from
their garden to the Roulette Food Pantry. Mary Jane Weeks, organizer of
the pantry, gratefully received the donation.


Catholic Rural Ministry
Potter and McKean counties
c/o Sister Nancy Fischer
429 East Grandview Blvd.
Erie, PA 16504
Phone: (814) 824-1217
E-mail: Sr. Nancy Fischer