Building on the middle school journey, formation now centers on the Sacrament of Confirmation, preparing the candidate to assume the responsibilities of Christian life and to awaken a sense of belonging to the Church of Jesus Christ, the universal Church, and the parish community. Candidates will enter into a more intimate union with Christ and a more lively familiarity with the Holy Spirit - his actions, his gifts, and his biddings.
Doing lessons in a hands-on style as much as possible is key. There will be educational/catechetical pieces coupled with action pieces to get the students out and involved in the church, at Mass, in the community. A minimum of 12 meetings should take place, along with a retreat, and service hours done as a class whenever possible.
The diocesan requirements currently in place will remain (with the exception of the 11th grade mandate): 42 contact hours with a minimum of five service hours, a retreat, interview with the pastor, approved saint for Confirmation name, letter to the bishop.
Format: The format will follow the Edge program format
Gather (25 min.) – welcome and introductions of new members (5 min), activity or game.
Proclaim (10 min.) – teaching on Catechism of the Catholic Church or Scripture passage.
Break (25 min.) – break into small groups and do short activity related to the teaching (10 min.), followed by 15 min. in small group discussions.
Send (15 min.) – closing prayer
Weekly Challenge – activity or reflection sent home, may be journaling, reflection question, action to engage in with friends or family
Curriculum: Based on USCCB requirements, such as: Retreat, Scaraments, Prayer, Who is Jesus?, Scripture, etc.