Sister Charlotte Zalot, OSB
Through prayer, presence and programs, Sisters Phyllis Schleicher, OSB, and Mary Hoffman, OSB, have ministered to the people in McKean and Potter counties for almost 20 years. Their work is part of Catholic Rural Ministry (CRM) of the Bradford Deanery, an outreach under the umbrella of Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Erie.

Mary Hoffman, OSB, were honored by Potter County Human Services.
Photos by Sister Marian Wehler, OSB
The sisters also have volunteered with the Pa. Department of Aging as part of the Ombudsman Program — a program designed to support and empower consumers by resolving individual complaints while working to improve and enhance the long-term living system for the residents and their families.
Personnel from the Potter County Human Services recently gathered to celebrate Sister Phyllis and Sister Mary for 15 years of dedicated service to the Ombudsman Program.
“This luncheon is to honor your years of dedicated service to others,” said Barbara Busch, lead ombudsman for Potter County. Included among the guests was Jan Brown, ombudsman specialist for the Pa. Dept. of Aging, who spoke of the sisters’ dedication to the volunteer work.
Through generous giving of time, empathetic listening and compassionate help, the (sisters) have planted seeds of love in countless lives…you both have shown that you are here to serve, not to be served. Well done, faithful servants,” Brown said.
“It’s been an honor for us to advocate for those who can’t and to support those who can,” said Sister Phyllis. “As Benedictine sisters, we believe the life and dignity of every person is to be reverenced, and this program has provided a unique opportunity for us to do just that.”
The luncheon was held at Kaytee’s Restaurant in Coudersport. Sister Marian Wehler, OSB, and Tina Geiger, RSM, of CRM in the Oil City Deanery, attended the event along with several Potter County volunteers.