Sheila Grove
ERIE/DUBOIS — Wedding bells rang in the hearts and memories of 119 couples who gathered for Mass celebrated by Bishop Lawrence Persico at Sacred Heart of Jesus, Erie, and St. Catherine of Siena, DuBois, in August. Husbands and wives renewed their commitment to their marriages of 25, 40, 50 and 60+ years.

Jerome and Esther Herzig of Queen of World Parish, St. Marys
Contributed photo
Among those honored were Mr. and Mrs. Gerald and Adeline Shewan, Our Lady of Peace, Erie, who have been married 77 years; Mr. and Mrs. Joseph and Shirley Miaczynski, St. Luke, Erie, who have been married 70 years; and Mr. and Mrs. Jerome and Esther Herzing of Queen of the World Parish, St. Marys, who have beenmarried 71 years.
Asked the secret to their long marriage, Esther Herzing said, proudly, “We had 10 kids!"

Shirley and Joseph Miaczyski of St. Luke Parish, Erie
Photo by Sheila Grove
The event was also a special family celebration for Mr. and Mrs. Norbert and Katherine Malthaner, Sacred Heart of Jesus, Erie, married 63 years, who were joined by their son, Father John Malthaner, pastor of St. Luke, Erie, who concelebrated the Mass and proclaimed the Gospel, as well as by their son Michael Malthaner and his wife, Jean, who are celebrating 25 years of marriage.
Kate Wilson, director for Marriage and Family Life for the Diocese of Erie, who planned the ceremonies which were followed by refreshments, reflected, “The experience of so many couples’ love and fidelity made the day beautiful. It gave us all the chance to offer gratitude to God for his grace and to these couples for their persevering love.”

Gerald and Adeline Shewan of Our
Lady of Peace Parish, Erie.
Photo by Sheila Grove
Bishop Persico presented scrolls to the couples and congratulated them for their commitment to honoring Jesus’ invitation to “hold fast to the true blessings of faith, family, forgiveness and love, in and through which we ultimately find our peace.”