Sheila Grove
Erie — The eighth annual 22:32 Men’s conference is scheduled for Saturday, Feb. 27, 2021. It will be a half-day event featuring two nationally acclaimed Catholic speakers. This year, the COVID-19 pandemic presented organizers with a difficult choice. That’s why all parishes are being asked to participate as sites for local participants.
“In planning for 2021, our dilemma was if we host a live conference as we have in the past, how do we keep everyone in a large group safe?” said Dave Wayman, a member of the core committee that plans the conferences. “If we go virtual, how do we deliver the primary benefits of confession and eucharist?”
In October the core committee met in retreat with Father Larry Richards and prayed for guidance.
“Through prayer, the Holy Spirit led us to the perfect solution,” said Wayman. “We will host a hybrid, decentralized conference that delivers both aspects of our Catholic conferences.”
The plan is to have men gather at their parishes in small groups to minimize the threat of COVID infection where, in cooperation with their pastors, they can have Mass and confession before or after the formal presentation which runs from 9:00 am until noon. The talks and witness part of the conference will be streamed to each parish via ZOOM.
Currently 13 parishes are scheduled to host groups of attendees in Elk, Jefferson Mercer and Erie Counties as well as Mentor, Ohio.
More information about the conference including registration links can be found at Home - 2232 Men.com. Additional parish sites will be added as they are confirmed.

of the Blessed Sacrament. Contributed photo
“It’s the best of both worlds!” said Wayman.