Catholic News Service
Arnoldville, La., during the August 15, 2017, Fête-Dieu du Teche procession. CNS photo/courtesy Chris Lancon
MARTINVILLE, La. (CNS) — On August 15, the sixth annual Fête-Dieu du Teche, a 40-mile eucharistic procession by boat and on foot along the Bayou Teche in the Lafayette Diocese, will celebrate the feast of the Assumption and will be a petition to God for an end to the COVID-19 pandemic.
An altar server leads a procession in St. Martinville, La.,
as part of the Fête-Dieu du Teche August 15, 2017, after
departing from one of the boats participating in the event.
CNS photo/courtesy Chris Lancon
Father Michael Champagne, a priest of the Community of Jesus Crucified, who is the organizer of the daylong event, said this year's procession is special for another reason: It marks the 255th anniversary of the arrival of French-Canadian immigrants, "who brought the Catholic faith to Acadiana after enduring great trials and suffering."
“Out of an abundance of caution” to guard against COVID-19, the priest said, all participants 8 years or older are required to wear masks — whether on boats or on shore — and all must observe social distancing, including priests, seminarians and laity.
All are invited to participate in the procession online at www.facebook.com/CommunityofJesusCrucified.
“Fête--Dieu du Teche on the feast of the Assumption recalls our rich Acadian history and, in a way, reenacts the journey made by the Acadians over 250 years ago,” Father Champagne said in announcing this year's event. “The Acadians were persecuted for their Catholic faith and sent into exile from Nova Scotia. Many ended up settling in Louisiana.”
“Having a boat procession with the Blessed Sacrament and a statue of the Assumption involving priests, religious and laity is basically what happened in 1765,” he explained. “In order to serve the Acadian settlers in the Attakapas district, Father Jean-Louis de Civrey accompanied the Acadians on their journey down the Bayou Teche,” which is a 125-mile-long waterway in south-central Louisiana.
“Having the Catholic priest accompany the Acadians on their journey to Acadiana is indicative of our ancestors’ great allegiance to their Catholic faith, especially the Eucharist and Our Lady,” he added. “Fête-Dieu du Teche today relives that original experience of the Acadians.”
The procession will stop and disembark at makeshift altars along the Bayou Teche for recitation of the rosary and benediction, Father Champagne said. Confession will be available at all stops in mobile units along the route. In addition, Pope Francis has granted a plenary indulgence to participants of Fête-Dieu du Teche.
“The Blessed Sacrament will be fixed on an altar on the lead boat under a canopy, with a pair of adorers in adoration between the towns visited. Another boat will carry the statue of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary,” he said. “This year will feature a St. Joseph boat with a statue of the husband of Mary.”
The latter boat is a tribute to the Year of St. Joseph being observed in the Lafayette Diocese. This year's procession takes place on the eve of the opening of that observance.
The diocese has 13 church parishes with the name of St. Joseph — 14 if counting the original name of the mother church of the Acadians prior to the name change to St. Martin de Tours in St. Martinville.
A boat containing incense arrives in St. Martinville, La., during
the August 15, 2017, Fête-Dieu du Teche procession.
CNS photo/courtesy Chris Lancon)
The procession’s starting point is St. Leo the Great Church in Leonville, where an 8 a.m. Mass will be celebrated in French by Lafayette Bishop J. Douglas Deshotel, a native son of Acadiana.
The boat procession will stop in Arnaudville, Cecilia, Breaux Bridge and Parks; participants will disembark at each place for the rosary and benediction.
The final stop for the flotilla is St. Martinville, where participants will process on foot to Notre Dame de Perpetuel Secours for benediction, then to St. Martin de Tours Church for benediction. The day ends with solemn vespers and benediction of the Blessed Sacrament at Mater Dolorosa Chapel at 6 p.m.
Fifty boats will participate in the flotilla to form a one-mile procession. Boaters participate in the continuous prayers by FM radio as they are led by the Eucharist boat. Those on land can follow the prayers and devotions via video at www.facebook.com/CommunityofJesusCrucified.