Dave Wayman, Core Committee 22:32 Men
Erie, Pennsylvania — Speakers have been confirmed for the eighth annual men’s conference scheduled for Saturday, February 27th, 2021. It is a half-day event featuring two nationally acclaimed Catholic speakers.
JON LEONETTI (www.jonleonetti.com) is a nationally known Catholic speaker, best-selling author and radio host, who conveys a message of lasting fulfillment in Jesus Christ. He’s the author of three books: Mission of The Family, Your God Is Too Boring and The Art of Getting Over Yourself: And Why You'll Be Happier When You Do.

Jon believes that our deepest longing for happiness and wholeness is fulfilled in the encounter with Jesus Christ and his mission is to help others cultivate an intimate relationship with Jesus. Jon is married, has three children and resides in Iowa.
JOHN EDWARDS (www.justaguyinthepew.com) is the founder and executive director of Pew Ministries, a Catholic apostolate with the mission of bringing the person of Jesus Christ to the person in the pew. Acclaimed speaker and evangelist, John has spoken throughout the U.S. and Canada and is the host of the Just A Guy in the Pew Podcast.
He is also the cofounder of the Virtual Catholic Conference. John is married, has three children and resides in Memphis, Tenn.
The conference will open with prayer and remarks by The Most Rev. Lawrence T. Persico, J.C.L., bishop of the diocese of Erie.
Our Master of Ceremonies for the conference is Father Larry Richards, an internationally acclaimed author, speaker, retreat master, television and radio personality. He is pastor of an inner-city parish in Erie, Pennsylvania. Known for his wit and wisdom, Father Larry’s talks open hearts to the mystery of God’s love for us and an understanding of the great gift of Divine Mercy.
The February 27, 2021 men’s conference will be decentralized this year. Men will gather at their parishes in small groups to minimize the threat of COVID infection where, with the cooperation of their pastors, they can have Mass and confession before or after the formal presentation. The talks and witness part of the conference will be streamed to each parish via ZOOM beginning at 9 am and ending at 12 noon.

The 22:32 Core Committee wants to work with every parish in the diocese to make the conference available. For more information about hosting the conference at your parish or for your men’s group, please contact:
Dave Wayman
Core Committee, 22:32 Men