The Journey of Diaconate to Priesthood
by Allison Mosier
As the Catholic Church prepares for the Jubilee of Deacons in 2025, a global celebration of their vital ministry from Friday, February 21, to Sunday, February 23, we are honored to introduce two men whose journey of faith and service exemplifies the profound contributions of deacons. Deacon Michael Scanga and Deacon Brandon Feikles, ordained to the diaconate in April 2024, now stand on the threshold of priesthood, ready to embrace their calling to serve the People of God.
Persico immediately after being ordained to the diaconate.
What inspired your initial calling to the diaconate, and how has that evolved into your desire to become a priest?
Deacon Brandon: "My calling began as a flicker during a high school retreat where I encountered Christ’s love profoundly. The desire to serve Christ completely took root and grew from ‘what I can do’ to ‘who I can be with him.’ Serving as a deacon has deepened this relationship, making priesthood not just a path but a fulfillment of union with Christ."
Deacon Michael: "In high school, Jesus saved me from a life of sin, and I was captivated by his love. Watching a priest pray fervently before the Eucharist made me realize that’s the kind of relationship I wanted. My diaconate has been a step toward priesthood, a gift of undeserved grace."
Can you share a moment that solidified your decision to pursue priesthood?
Deacon Brandon: "During a college Adoration, I wrestled with doubts about seminary. God’s word in Luke 14:33 gave me the courage to surrender and embrace the call to priesthood. That clarity transformed my fear into an unwavering resolve."
Deacon Michael: "The summer before my senior year of college, I prayed before the Eucharist and felt overwhelmed by peace and Jesus’ invitation. I said ‘yes,’ knowing his love gave me the freedom to choose. That ‘yes’ changed everything."
How has your time as a deacon prepared you for priesthood?Deacon Brandon: "Being a deacon has offered a glimpse into the priesthood, preaching, baptizing and sharing Christ’s love with parishioners. It’s humbling and joyful, preparing my heart to be a priest."
Deacon Michael: "The diaconate has shown me the depth of people’s joys and sorrows. Sharing in these moments has taught me the essence of spiritual fatherhood, to know and love as Christ’s shepherd."
What role has prayer and spiritual direction played in your discernment?
Deacon Brandon: "Prayer and spiritual direction have been my anchors. Guidance from holy mentors helped me discern diocesan priesthood and embrace celibacy as a gift of love."
Deacon Michael: "Prayer sustains me, and spiritual direction has healed my heart—revealing that I am God’s beloved. I aspire to help others experience this same love and healing."
What impact do you hope to have as a priest?
Deacon Brandon: "I hope to be a beacon of light, setting others on fire for Christ and building a Church rooted in mercy and renewal."
Deacon Michael: "I want to teach people to pray, love Jesus in the Eucharist and trust in Divine Mercy. My mission is to inspire others to become saints."
What are you most looking forward to in your ministry, and what challenges do you anticipate?Deacon Brandon: "I look forward to revival and renewal in our diocese. The challenge will be balancing responsibilities while staying grounded in prayer and joy."
Deacon Michael: "Celebrating Mass excites me the most. The greatest challenge will be combating spiritual indifference, but I trust in God’s timing for renewal." What advice would you offer to those discerning a vocation?
Deacon Brandon: "Don’t fear following Jesus. Seminary is a place to discern, not a lifelong commitment. Trust the process, and you’ll find peace."
Deacon Michael: "Pray, visit the lonely and embrace silence. Let Jesus guide you and remain small in humility while spreading joy to others."