Home for Christmas

Enjoy activities including a prayer walk, a blessing for your manger scene, and creating a chain of prayer intentions throughout Advent to hang on the tree or mantle at Christmas.

Have you ever heard of an Advent trail? It can be created inside or outside using resources available this week. This is a great week to set aside time for baking, watching a movie together or painting Baby Jesus and Scripture verses on little rocks you can leave around town for people to discover.

This may be the week to break out the chalk and create something special in your driveway. Weather a little brisk? Maybe a hot chocolate gratitude party is in order. We even have a link to background music you can enjoy at the same time.

This week may include the longest night of the year, but we have a good way you can brighten up! We also suggest you set aside time to enjoy a week-before-Christmas prayer service with everyone in your household…or beyond, if you want to share the experience virtually. This must might become a new family tradition! Feeling nostalgic? Try your hand at making an old-fashioned popcorn garland to add to your tree.