Parent Resources
Application for Students- The four page student application can be accessed here
- A separate application is used for pre-school students.
Chastity Education Resources
The Chastity Education Program is for grades 5 through 8.
Curriculum Standards
Wellness Policy
The Student Wellness Policy has been aligned with the requirements of Section 204 of the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010. Each school is to have a Local Wellness Committee that ensures the compliance of the school with the Student Wellness Policy. Any parent that would be interested in participating on the Diocesan Wellness Committee should contact Caryl Unseld, 814-824-1259.
Each school is required to annually evaluate its level of compliance with the Wellness Policy. To know the level of implementation for a school in the Diocese of Erie, please review the Wellness Index. Only schools that participate in the National School Lunch program are required to submit this information.
Every 3 years a triennial assessment of the wellness policy must be completed. The triennial assessment includes a review of the policy and progress on goals.