Documents and news releases
Synthesis Report from the XVI Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops
Released October 2023
For a Synodal Church: Communion, Participation, Mission
October 2024 final document, working translation
October 2023 Final Document
News releases about the Synod
We will add new links to news stories as relevant ones become available. These will mostly link to the Vatican or to our nwpaCatholic site, where we will post stories from CNS. Happy to include suggestions and links you send.
Next Step in the synodal process: The Continental Phase
The Diocese of EriE-news provides the latest update of the years-long preparation for the October 23 Synod on Synodality in Rome. Read about the continental level of work and the six representatives from the Diocese of Erie who took part in it.
Draft of document being prepared for the Synod on Synodality shared with facilitators (6.21.22)
Overview from Catholic News Service 10.11.21
Preparatory document released
Catholic News Service shares ideas on “avoiding pitfalls” in the process 10.11.21
Pope Francis offers his thoughts on the Synod to the people of the Diocese of Rome 9.20.2021
Vatican releases guidance for Dioceses to begin Synodal path 9.12.2021
For those interested in delving more deeply into the Synod, its goals and processes, the following links have been made available from the Vatican and the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops:
Official website of the Synod
Synod 2021 - 2023
Documents about the Synod:
1. Preparatory document from the Vatican
Documento-Preparatorio-EN-21.pdf (synod.va)
2. The official handbook for listening and discernment in local churches (dioceses):
The First Phase [October 2021 – April 2022]