Under the heavy weight of the wood, Jesus falls the first time. The soldiers whip him and kick him, yelling, “Get up, move.” This station doesn’t say Jesus falls, but says, Jesus falls the first time. He will fall again. He was put in the position to carry our sins in the heavy weight of the cross. Jesus carried sin, and under that weight he fell. Jesus did not choose the cross he carried. He accepted what his Father asked of him. Most times we take the easiest cross available. We don’t “fall” or sacrifice for the sake of one another.
When everyone in this world today seems angry and ready to kick a person when they are down, which side of the cross will I choose? Do I have the strength to be under the cross looking at the sin that weights me down? Or do I stand over the cross, disregarding the mercy and love offered to me. This is the choice to be made with each encounter, every day. Jesus continued and in that, we find hope and strength. We may fall again — we probably will — but we are assured of God’s love all the days of our lives.
Lord, grant us strength of purpose that we may faithfully bear our crosses each day.