March 10, 2025

The next Information Bulletin is Monday, March 17, 2025.
The deadline for submissions is Thursday, March 13, 2025, at 4:30 p.m.

The Diocese of Erie Information Bulletin advertises and promotes activities and events sponsored by diocesan entities such as parishes, schools, religious communities and groups. The IB is unable to advertise or promote activities or events not sponsored by such entities. Submissions may run a maximum of two editions. The administrative offices of the diocese reserve the right to edit submissions.

Email your Information Bulletin items to the editor.

Young Adult and Youth Ministry newsletter
The Young Adult and Youth Ministry newsletter is designed for anyone interested in or involved with young adult and/or youth ministry within our diocese, particularly those in leadership roles. Its goal is to provide informative, supportive and uplifting content to encourage and strengthen our ministry community. Please see the March issue that is attached.

24 Hours for the Lord
24 Hours for the Lord is a Lenten initiative introduced by Pope Francis that encourages 24 hours of Eucharistic adoration and the Sacrament of Reconciliation, inviting the faithful to experience God’s mercy. It typically takes place on the Friday and Saturday before the Fourth Sunday of Lent, with churches worldwide offering extended opportunities for prayer and confession. Below you will find two parishes with events scheduled. Are you hosting a 24 Hours for the Lord event? If so, please let us know and we can share:

Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish, Mercer:
Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish, 100 Penn Ave., Mercer, is hosting 24 Hours for the Lord on Saturday, March 21 – Sunday, March 22. This powerful event is a chance to encounter God’s love and forgiveness, deepening one’s faith journey and preparing for Easter. Sign up for an hour of adoration from March 21 at 9 a.m. through March 22 at 8 a.m. Registration is available now in-person at Immaculate Heart and on their website: See attached flyer for more details.

St. Peter Cathedral Parish, Erie:
St. Peter Cathedral Parish, located at 230 W. 10th St., Erie, will observe 24 Hours for the Lord beginning on Friday, March 28 with a 5:15 p.m. Mass celebrated by Bishop Persico, followed by Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, Stations of the Cross at 7 p.m., Evening Prayer at 10 p.m. and Night Prayer. The event will continue on Saturday, March 29 starting at 3 a.m. with the Divine Mercy Chaplet, Morning Prayer at 6:30 a.m., an 8 a.m. Mass with Bishop Persico, the Rosary at 12 p.m., another Divine Mercy Chaplet at 3 p.m., Benediction at 3:30 p.m. and concluding with the 4 p.m. Vigil Mass. Throughout this 24-hour period, the Blessed Sacrament will be exposed and the Sacrament of Confession will be available, offering a profound opportunity to pray for vocations to the priesthood and religious life while experiencing the Lord’s abundant mercy. A flyer is also attached with the full details.

2025 Catholic Services Appeal update
With Commitment Sunday behind us, we thank everyone for the good work you have done to promote giving to this year’s Catholic Services Appeal (CSA). Parishes are asked to utilize their parish leadership handbook for follow-up, thank-you letter ideas, etc. Also, check out the CSA parish resources webpage for a variety of digital tools for parish use including Facebook posts. Parish staff can find those resources at the following link: Please contact Julia Cooney at 814-824-1253 or to request additional CSA supplies or with any questions.

Catholic Sisters Week 2025
Parishes are reminded that March 8–14 is Catholic Sisters Week, a time to honor the profound impact of Women Religious in our diocese. Nearly every parish has been shaped by their dedication, whether through education, healthcare, social services or their unwavering witness to the Gospel.  If your parish has Sisters currently serving today or has been blessed by the service of Women Religious in the past, this is a meaningful time to honor and celebrate their contributions.

If you are planning an event or activity for Catholic Sisters Week, we’d love to share it with the entire diocese! Please send details to

International Catholic Stewardship Council newsletter
The Catholic Foundation is happy to share the attached March edition of the International Catholic Stewardship Council newsletter (English and Spanish versions are available). Pastors and parish staff are encouraged to read and share this publication with their parishioners, using all or parts of it for their parish bulletin, with credit to the author/source.

Official Catholic Directory Administrative Fees
The Official Catholic Directory (OCD), with the approval of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, has instituted a $10.00 annual fee for every primary entity (e.g. parish, ministry etc.) listed in the directory, effective immediately.

The contact of record for each entity should have received a notification email on March 4. Payment is due by April 30, 2025. It can be made via the OCD website here: 2025 Edition - Admin Fee – The Official Catholic Directory. Please enter the same email address that you use for your OCD listing.

Entities who choose not to pay the fee will be printed as a “restricted listing.” Only the name will be printed, with no contact information or sub-entities. See examples here: Restricted Listing Sample – The Official Catholic Directory. A restricted listing does not remove your tax-exempt status.

A restricted listing may have a negative effect on grant funding and other applications which require you to show proof of tax-exempt status. If you ever use a copy of your page in the OCD to prove tax exempt status, you are encouraged to pay the fee and keep your full listing.

Please direct questions to Maria Caulfield in the Chancery at 814-824-1130 or

Are you traveling to Rome for the Year of Jubilee?
Do you or someone you know plan to make a pilgrimage to Rome this year? Or have you already gone? We would love to highlight your journey and share it with others in the diocese. If you’re traveling independently—outside of the diocesan pilgrimage in October—please reach out. Share your photos and experiences with us so we can inspire others on their own faith journey. Email to share your story.

March edition of Jubilee Journey: Pilgrims of Hope is available now.
The March edition of the Jubilee Journey: Pilgrims of Hope newsletter is now available. To recognize the Jubilee Year 2025, this newsletter – suitable for printing in parish bulletins – provides both informative and interactive elements for children and adults. Each edition celebrates the monthly jubilee events recognized the Vatican and brings readers along for a spiritual pilgrimage. The March edition is attached, and previous editions can be found at

If your parish or group is hosting a jubilee event you would like to promote, please send information to

Pastors and business managers from parishes NOT already using Vanco
Please join us on Thurs., March 27, at 11 a.m. to discover online giving features with Ministry Platform and Vanco! Learn how these tools can help your parish foster a culture of generosity and ensure the financial sustainability of your mission. Don't miss out on this opportunity to enhance your parish's giving experience! Please feel free to invite appropriate Finance Council members. This webinar would be appropriate for parishes who do not currently provide an online giving option to parishioners, as well as parishes who use an online giving merchant other than Vanco. Register here:

Cybersecurity for tax season: protect your identity and refund
Tax season brings enough stress without adding scammers to the mix. But the reality is that criminals ramp up attacks in the first few months of the year, often impersonating the IRS or trusted services like H&R Block. Learn more about how to stay safe this tax season here:

Job openings in the diocese
See the classified section below for the latest position openings. Here’s a quick link to diocesan, school and parish jobs: For Erie Catholic School System jobs only, go to


YAYM Newsletter
ICSC Newsletter English and Spanish
March Jubilee Newsletter
St. Patrick’s Day Celebration
Knights of Columbus Wild Game Dinner
St. Patrick’s Day Bingo
Year of Hope Bus trip to Lancaster
Gannon Students for Life Speaker Event
Holy Trinity Easter Market and order form
24 Hours for the Lord parish information

Parish Bulletin Announcements

PW Protected Attachments:

Clergy and Department Heads click here to login.

YAYM Newsletter
ICSC Newsletter English and Spanish
March Jubilee Newsletter
St. Patrick’s Day Celebration
Knights of Columbus Wild Game Dinner
St. Patrick’s Day Bingo
Year of Hope Bus trip to Lancaster
Gannon Students for Life Speaker Event
Holy Trinity Easter Market and order form
24 Hours for the Lord parish information


The Diocese of Erie’s March calendar is filling up! From Lenten events to St. Patrick’s Day celebrations, there’s something for everyone. Don’t miss out—check out our calendar here. If you have an event to add, email us at, and we’ll get it posted!

St. Patrick’s Day Celebration
St. Ann’s Church Social Hall, 921 East Ave., Erie, will be the setting for a celebration of St. Patrick! This will be held Monday, March 17 from 5:30 to 8 p.m. There will be a movie presentation In the Footsteps of Saint Patrick Celebrating his Life and Legacy and an Irish concert to follow. Please see flyer for more information.

Knights of Columbus to host Wild Game Dinner
On Saturday, March 15, at 5:30 p.m., the Knights of Columbus #4321 and St. George Parish will host a Wild Game Fish & Fellowship Dinner at St. George Parish, 5145 Peach St., Erie. Guests will enjoy a variety of freshly prepared wild game meats and fish while gathering for an evening of fellowship. The event will feature guest speaker Larry Smith and will take place in the school cafeteria. Tickets are $20 for adults and $12 for kids. See the attached flyer for more details.

St. Patrick’s Day Bingo
The Knights of Columbus of Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish, located at 100 Penn Ave., Mercer, will host a Bingo event on Friday, March 14. Doors open at 4 p.m., with the first game beginning at 6 p.m. Enjoy an exciting night of Bingo, prizes and St. Patrick’s Day fun! The event will feature cash and other prizes, a 50/50 raffle, special games and concessions available for purchase. Whether you're feeling the luck of the Irish or just looking for a great night out, this will be an evening of fun and fellowship. Bingo card pricing will be available at the event—stay tuned for details!

Soup, Salad & Soul
St. George Parish cafeteria, 5145 Peach St., Erie, will be the setting for the 2025 Lenten Soup, Salad & Soul dinner. This is a five-week Lenten event that will feature a different priest each week. They will be sharing their “Eucharistic Overtones” and reflecting on how they have grown in their priestly ministries.  Mass will be at 5:15 p.m. followed by dinner at 6 pm. Speakers to follow: March 11, Fr. Phil Oriole; March 18, Fr. James Gutting; March 25, Fr. Leo Gallina; April 1, Msgr. Robert Brugger; April 8, Fr. Vincent Cieslewicz.

Praise and Worship Holy Hour
Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish, 100 Penn Ave. Mercer, is inviting all to a Praise and Worship Holy Hour on Thurs., March 20, at 7 p.m. This is part of the Year of Eucharistic Mission and an opportunity to come encounter Christ. For more information, please visit

Year of Hope bus trip to Lancaster
Holy Redeemer Parish, located at 11 Russell St., Warren, is hosting a two-day bus trip on May 6-7. The trip includes transportation on an Anderson Coach bus, one-night lodging at the Lancaster Marriott, a live performance of NOAH at Sight & Sound Theatre, lunch on Tues., daily Mass, visits to three Year of Hope pilgrimage sites and an evening in historic Lancaster for shopping and dining. The total cost is $350 per person for double occupancy or $442 for single occupancy, with installment payments available and the full balance due by April 7. Reserve your spot with a $100 deposit by emailing Checks should be made payable to Holy Redeemer Church and can be placed in the collection basket or mailed to the church. See the flyer for more details.

Cancellation of Lent dinner for St. Joseph Parish, Force
Due to unforeseen circumstances, St. Joseph Parish in Force must cancel their Lenten dinner this year. They had a water pipe burst that caused major water damage in the social hall and will not be able to utilize that space in time. Please consider visiting a neighboring parish if you still want to continue the tradition of a Lenten dinner and return to St. Joseph once they can proceed with events again.

Upcoming events at Mount Saint Benedict Monastery, 6101 E Lake Rd., Erie.
On Wednesday, March 12, at 7 p.m., Rev. Dr. Shanon Sterringer, Erie Benedictine Oblate and noted scholar of St. Hildegard of Bingen, will present “An Evening in the Land of St. Hildegard.” She will share reflections from her recent trip to Germany at Mount Saint Benedict Monastery. RSVPs are not needed for in-person attendance. To receive the Zoom link, email

On Friday, March 29, the monastery is hosting a guided tour at 4 p.m., followed by supper with the sisters. After supper, guests are invited to attend the Lenten Vigil at 7 p.m. in the monastery chapel. Reservations are required for the tour and supper. To RSVP, call Michelle at (814) 899-0614, ext. 2507. Lenten Vigils are also held every Saturday during Lent on March 8, 15, 22, 29 and April 5, 12 at 7 p.m. in the monastery chapel. No reservations are necessary for the vigils.

The Liturgical Year, a spiritual offering for the Bradford Deanery
On Saturday, March 15, Sister Kathleen Dietz, FSO, will present The Liturgical Year at St. Bernard Parish, located at 95 East Corydon St., Bradford. The event will take place in the Fr. Gallina Social Center (across the street from the church) from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.

With the first Sunday of Advent, the church begins a new liturgical year. Just as the earth moves through its seasons, the church cycles through its own seasons, reflecting the birth, life, death, resurrection and ascension of Our Lord. The liturgical year unfolds the mystery of Christ, inviting us to live that mystery in our daily lives.

This presentation will explore what the liturgical year is and how we can deepen our engagement with it—personally, within our families and as a community. The session will conclude with small group discussions.

Students for Life host Pro-Life multi-speaker event
On Saturday, March 15, from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., Students for Life is hosting an educational speaking event that is free and open to the public. The event will be held in the Yehl Alumni Ballroom, Gannon University, 109 W Sixth St, Erie. The event features three pro-life speakers: Cameron Fradd, a podcaster passionate about pro-life issues and family life; Pete DeMaio, former president of Pennsylvanians for Human Life and founder of "Mission, Love and Life," a nonprofit dedicated to fostering a culture of life and love; and Christopher Bell, founder of Good Counsel, a home for unwed mothers facing difficult circumstances, often living on the streets. There will be donuts and coffee served when the doors open at 10 a.m. and lunch will be served in the middle of the day. 

The purpose of this event is to help promote life in your own communities. To RSVP, please complete the registration form or contact

Holy Trinity Parish hosts Easter Market
Holy Trinity Parish, located at 509 East 26th St., Erie, is accepting orders for their Easter Market from Saturday, March 1 to Monday, March 31. Items available for order include pierogies, potato pancake batter, sweet bread, nut roll, poppy roll, cookies, Blessing Bread and butter lamb. Orders can be picked up at the Holy Trinity Social Center at East 23rd and Reed Streets on Friday, April 11, from 4 to 7 p.m. or Saturday, April 12, from 9 a.m. to noon. Payment is due with the order and can be made by credit card by contacting Liz at (814) 722-0015. See the attached flyer for more information and to place an order.

St. Mark Seminary Auxiliary annual Card Party
The annual St. Mark Seminary Card Party will be held Thursday, April 24 at 6 p.m. at the St. Mark Center Gymnasium at 429 East Grandview Blvd., Erie. The doors will open at 5 p.m. Admission is $10 and includes a light meal.  The evening includes grand prizes, a gift basket auction, a money tree and more.

For reservations, please call or text Erin (814) 440-5885 by Friday, April 11. Please pray for the vocation of our seminarians.

Executive Director position at Mercy Terrace Apartments
The Mercy Terrace Apartments is seeking a new Executive Director. This position is responsible for all matters that affect the continued operations of Mercy Terrace Apartments, both of its residents and facilities, with an understanding and appreciation of the Mission of the Sisters of Mercy. For further information, please read the attached job description and resume submission.

Volunteer Needed
The Office of Faith Formation is looking for a volunteer person to lead a new ministry of sensory-friendly faith formation meetings once per month in the Erie area. Responsibilities would be to plan and lead students and their families in a Bible story, information session about our Catholic faith, or a Sacramental preparation meeting. Materials would be provided. This would occur on a Sunday once per month and would work with your availability. Please contact Mary Hickin for more details:, or (814)824-1222.

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If your email address or your status for receiving the Information Bulletin changes, please notify the Office of Communications so that we can update our mailing list.

To access the Information Bulletin online, visit and click on Information Bulletin under the News and Information drop-down menu. As with the email version, pastors and department heads will still need to enter their password to access secure information.

If you would like to unsubscribe to the Information Bulletin, please notify the Office of Communications and type “unsubscribe” in the subject line.